About Us

For a generation that has a healthy relationship with food, is aware of what they eat and is actively looking for ways to embrace a better and happier lifestyle without compromising taste and flavour - Milletry brings the SUPERFOOD YOU'VE BEEN MISSING.

We use 100% Raw Millet, so our products are pure, minimally processed and very healthy.
Can your mood be affected by moving from conventional grains to super grains? It's a solid beginning, in our opinion.
Food plays a crucial role in our lives; it does not only helps us express our emotions but also satisfies our appetite. Whether it's a special occasion or simply a beautiful day, the food you want to consume, the enjoyment and comfort you experience, and the love you require elevate your spirits in that moment.
Let's say there is a choice for deliciousness that is gluten-free. What if we told you that you could substitute something quite similar for rice in order to minimise your intake of calories and carbs, up your intake of protein and fibre, and feel better overall? Consider the possibility that Milletry makes all of this possible.
At Milletry, we create tasty food with super grains that are naturally gluten free, high in protein, and high in fibre. Which means food with NO GUILT.
Our products make it easy to incorporate nutrient-dense, plant-based foods into your life without sacrificing taste.
We've made sure of that - so you don't have to! - Do what's good for you in every bite without compromise.